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1. If you have a promotional code (e.g. code given to sponsors), apply your promotional code before proceeding.
2. Select the ticket type (conference, workshop or both), the number of ‘tickets’ then click on “Order Now”.
3. You will be brought to a page to enter the details of the participant(s) which include your name, email address, so get these information ready!
4. Follow the on screen instructions to make payment. Both PayPal and Credit Cards payment are accepted.
5. Upon successful registration, you will receive (via email) the order confirmation, order summary (receipt/invoice) and the ticket.
Date: 18 Aug 2015
Time: 0900 – 1700 hrs
Venue: Biomedical Sciences Institutes (BMSI), 30 Biopolis Street, Matrix, Level 4, Creation Room (Map:
Cost: SGD 100 ( SGD 80 for early birds – before 1 Aug)Lunch and two tea breaks provided! Don’t miss our social event (with booze and wings, of course) at Long Black Cafe (20 Biopolis Way) immediately after the conference ends! Oh, you will also get a limited edition SGNOG T-shirt!
Conference Programme
Time |
Topic |
Speaker |
0900-0920 |
Registration |
– |
0920-0930 |
Opening Address |
Tay Chee Yong, SGNOG |
0930-1000 |
Smart Nation: Heterogeneous Network (HetNet)
Singapore believes that the exploitation of heterogeneity is imperative as no single network can serve all user demands. To this end, IDA aims to build a pervasive and robust communications infrastructure through the Heterogeneous Network (“HetNet”) Programme. This was initiated under the Infocomm Media Masterplan to support Smart Nation with the vision of enabling connectivity for “Everyone, Everything, Everywhere, All the time” (E3A). A heterogeneous network will ensure a consistent user experience as they move across different radio access networks. It will optimise overall network capacity and wireless spectrum usage to meet growing bandwidth demands. The realisation of this programme will allow Singapore to become a first-mover in implementing heterogeneous networking solutions in a real-world environment. This presentation provides the background and the latest updates of the HetNet trial in the Jurong Lake District. |
Lee Han Chuan, IDA |
1000-1030 |
Optical Transport Technologies and Basics
Today fiber optics has become an essential transmission medium for the increasing bandwidth driven by the IOT applications and among content providers/data centers/POPs. Having the basic understanding of optical networking can be valuable for the design of future networks. The presentation is aimed to provide an introductory session of optical networking to audience with very little to no optical background. |
Dion Leung, Director of Solutions and Sales Engineering, BTI Systems |
1030-1100 |
Coffee break |
– |
1100-1130 |
EDNS0 Client-Subnet for DNS based CDNs
This presentation will describe the use of “EDNSo Client-subnet” to allow the authoritative nameserver (of a CDN) to optimize the reply not based on the requesting nameserver but the end-user’s prefix |
Kams Yeung, Senior Network Architect, Akamai |
1130-1200 |
New Market Evaluation Strategy Guide
Walt, with 18 years of experience working for two content networks, will share what he have learnt to help others who are looking to deploy to new locations. |
Walt Wollny, Director, Interconnection Strategy, Hurricane Electric |
1200-1230 |
Elastic Fabrics
Cloud computing and Software Defined Networks are here. Now Elastic Fabrics are bringing the on-demand revolution to telecommunications and connectivity. Layer 2 fabrics, extreme high speeds, provisioning in minutes, extreme low cost. The cloud revolution is influencing all areas of IT and multiple elastic fabric providers are already online in Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong and the US changing the way enterprises and Service Providers consume connectivity. |
Skeeve Stevens,Chief Architect, eintellego Networks |
1230-1400 |
Lunch |
– |
1400-1430 |
IPv4 Transfers & RPKI
Anna Mulingbayan,
Senior Internet Resource Analyst/Liaison Officer, APNIC |
1430-1500 |
DDoS Threats Landscape – Countering Large-scale DDoS attacks
This presentation will review the DDoS attacks events seen in the past 6 -12 months, particularly on the large amplification/reflection attacks seen. We will be looking at the various approaches to counter the DDoS attacks, and the best practices Services Providers should adopt. |
CF Chui, Solutions Architect, Arbor Networks |
1500-1530 |
Coffee break |
– |
1530-1600 |
Evolving Cyber Risks and Implications
Targeted attack campaigns went up 8 percent last year as compared to 91 percent in 2013. Since 2012, we have seen a steady decline in the number of phishing emails sent and the number of people they are sent to. Does this mean that we are seeing less of such attacks? No! This only indicates that the attackers are becoming more selective with their targets. They use fewer emails to do it, in a bid to be more stealthy. Cybercriminals have become more patient and persistent waiting for a bigger and better reward, marking a shift in behaviour from years past. We have been actively keeping tabs on numerous highly resourceful and organised groups of attackers. Find out more about the evolving cybersecurity risks and their devastating impact, and what it means for your company. |
Eugene Teo, Senior Manager, Security Response, Symantec Corporation |
1600-1630 |
Cloud Computing With OpenStack
Cloud and virtualisation are often pushed as a solution to many IT challenges. It is not surprising then that many IT organisations are looking to use, or are already using, some sort of virtualisation and cloud computing technologies. This presentation takes a look at OpenStack, one of the most popular open source software stack for managing cloud computing platforms. The talk will not be too technical, but will give you a broad overview of the project, and give you an appreciation of how OpenStack can be useful to you. |
Lai Zit Seng, Senior IT Architect, National University of Singapore |
1630 |
Closing Remarks |
– |
1700-1900 |
Social event @long black cafe |
– |
BGP/MPLS Workshop
Date: 19 – 21 Aug 2015
Time: 0900 – 1700 hrs
Venue: ERC Institute, 30 Prinsep Street, Level 8, Room 8C (Map: )
Cost: SGD 350 ( SGD 300 for early birds – before 1 Aug )
[Details inside]
Two tea breaks provided (Lunch on own expenses – many choices available nearby). You will also receive a limited edition SGNOG T-shirt! |
This community event would not have been possible if not for the generous support from our sponsors!



